M. Pilar Sánchez López
Doctor of Psychology (Extraordinary Doctorate Prize) and Diploma of Educational Science from the School of Psychology, both belonging to the Universidad Complutense, Madrid. Chair Professor of the same University. Has been President of a National Congress (1998), and guest organizer of 15 Symposia in National and International Congresses, has presided at two Complutense International Seminars (2001 and 2005), is president of the Days on Women and Health which have been held annually since 1999, director of the Official UCM Master´s Programme with its corresponding Doctorate since it was created in 2006, and the course on Women and Health in the Complutense Summer School since its creation (2002). She is the Director of the Research Group “EPSY” (Personality Styles, Gender and Health) since its creation in 2004. She is coordinator of the HYGEIA (Research network for Health and Gender International Alliance). Directs along with Dra Saínz, the Permanent Education Seminar for Health with a Gender Perspective (Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid). She has directed 14 pluriannual competitive projects and has participated as a researcher in 15 competitive projects both national and international. She has made 12 presentations in congresses to which she was invited, 144 Communications and posters in international congresses. She has published 20 books, 23 book chapters and 80 articles, 55 of which were in international journals and/or ones with an impact index (JCR index).
Affiliations and Expertise
Catedratica de Psicologia, Directora del Master/Doctorado oficial “Mujeres y Salud”, Directora del Grupo de Investigacion Estilos de Personalidad, Genero y Salud, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1011-1604

Rosa M. Limiñana Gras
Doctor in Psychology by University of Murcia (UMU), Master´s degree in “Disability and Health” (UMU) and in “Infertility: Psychosocial, Medical and Legal aspects” (University of Valencia),Technical Specialist Psychodiagnosis by Rorschach Workshop Exner (USA). Professor of psychology at the University of Murcia, and Director of the Research Group “Personality and Health: A Intercultural and Gender Perspective” of the University of Murcia. She is also member of the Interdisciplinary Seminar in Gender Studies (SIEG) of University Miguel Hernández de Elche (Alicante), and contributor member of the Research Group of Psychological Styles, Gender and Health (EPSY) of the Complutense University of Madrid. She has participated as researcher in several projects funded by national and international research organisms, the last two: “Creativity and Innovation Factors in optimizing the employment and administrative management”, Spanish Agency for International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (2008-2010); and “Formal and family caregivers and health”, Women’s Institute, Ministry of Equality (2010-2011). She has numerous presentations at National and International Conferences, and she has more than thirty nationals and fifteen internationals publications.
Affiliations and Expertise
Departament of Personality and Psychological Assessment and Treatment,Campus Universitario de Espinardo, University of Murcia, Spain
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4581-4302