INVITED AUTHOR: Isabel Cuéllar Flores

A recent research has shown that prevention of HIV must be a priority in developed countries such as Spain (Cuéllar-Flores et al., 2016). Young people have wrong knowledge about sexual HIV prevention practices and about the 60% of girls and boys between 16 and 35 years old doesn’t use condoms in every sexual contact. Gender determinants of HIV prevention practices are different for boys and girls . For example in Spain, 80% of new female cases were found through unprotected sex with heterosexual partners (Centro Nacional de Epidemiología, 2008), whereas the majority of new male infections are related to men who have sex with men. You can find more information in the chapter of The psychology of gender and health (2017) called Contributions of gender perspective to HIV infection.


Cuéllar-Flores et al. (In the name of CoRISpe) (2016). Conocimiento sobre VIH y conductas sexuales de riesgo en jóvenes. Comunicación. Congreso GESIDA, Bilbao.